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Святой род. Родоначальник - юродивый Прокопий Устюжский. Отец 1-го Царя, Михаила Романова, - Святейший Патриарх Филарет (Романов), запретивший сыну платить выкуп за освобождение из Польского плена русскими землями. Мать Царя Михаила - инокиня Марфа. Изначально насильственно определенные в монастырь, оба смирились перед Божией о себе волей. В том же роду сами Царственные великомученики - Царь-Искупитель Николай, Царица Александра, Царевич Алексий, Царевны Ольга, Татиана, Мария и Анастасия. Ныне прославленная в лике преподобных, бывшая настоятельница Покровского Киевского женского монастыря - Анастасия (Романова). Св. блж. старец Феодор Кузьмич Томский. Св. блж. Вера Молчальница Новгородская. Св. прмца, Великая Княгиня Елисавета. А какой подвижнической жизнью жили Государи рода Романовых! Царь Алексий Михайлович, например, каждый день неопустительно бывал на Церковной службе, а как Посты соблюдал - современным монахам и не снилось! (Об этом - в "Русской Симфонии" у митр. Иоанна /Снычева/ подробно можно почитать). Святой род. Спаси нас, Господи, их святыми молитвами и выведи из экуменического отступления и глобалистского плена, в который нас хотят завести!
My name is David Repentovich. I would appreciate locating a Russian to English translator to communicate. I have a pendant of the Union of the Russian People which I had blessed so am interested in your association as a Russian Orthodox Christian and history researcher.
The original founder of the Union of Russian People was Dr. Alexander Dubrovin. I've been doing a lot of research among files of an ethnic group I'm descended from as an Eurasian called Karaites or the Hebrew Church of the Old Testament Faith in Russia. My ancestor was a Syrian Karaite who had dealings in Crimea who was in touch with a Dr Dubrovin in 1912. The Karaites of Syria and Egypt were supportive of Russia defeating the Turkish Ottoman Empire so through their Crimean contacts were part of a network spying for Czarist Russia that involved Dr Dubrovin I believe.
Dr Dubrovin was interested in the Karaites as descendants of converts to the Old Testament Temple Worship of the Levites who were forbidden to intermarry with the Jewish people from the time of the worship of the Golden Calf. He was also involved in spying for Imperial Russia which is why he left control of the Union of the Russian People to Nikolai Markov who I think may have politically betrayed him to Alexander Kerensky who accused him of attempting to murder him which might have been true. Dr Dubrovin was a spy master betrayed as he was trying to eliminate Yevno Azef in Germany and Kerensky who exposed his network of patriotic assassins I'm led to believe in my research.
Has your organization done much work examining Dr Dubrovin? I believe he was murdered in a Bolshevik concentration camp in 1929 after he was captured by the Bolsheviks in 1921. Dr Dubrovin claimed through maternal descent an ancestor from one of the Maltese Knights of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta of one of the 118 Commanders who made Russia their home to serve Czar Paul I its Grand Master. His original organization of the Russian Assembly was originally made up of a social group of Dr Dubrovin's friends who as descendents were related to the Knights of Malta Commanders who after their disestablishment upon the assassination of Czar-Grand Master Paul I formed a social group to stay in touch with each other in St Petersburg.
Dr Dubrovin hoped that the Union of the Russian People's leadership would in some way be like the Medieval Order but Nikolai Markov had different ideas with the Black 100s. Is there information in your organization about this and Dr Dubrovin? You have my email address in some commentaries I left you of djeffp1986@icloud.com.
Here is information about Dubrovin: https://rusidea.org/25041407
and here about Markov: https://rusidea.org/25042207
Try to use the translator https://translate.google.ru/
Размещенная здесь видеозапись исчезла, так как Ютуб уничтожил все материалы "Царьграда" и "Двуглавого орла".
Вот анонс данного материала:
Династия витязей России
Дмитрий Володихин
Доктор исторических наук Дмитрий Володихин о славном роде Захарьевых-Юрьевых-Романовых. Благодаря браку Ивана IV Грозного с Анастасией Романовной Захарьиной древний боярский род Захарьиных-Юрьевых был в XVI веке, после пресечения царствовавшей ветви Рюриковичей, призван на царство.